Community is a group of people come together to share the same idea and solve the problems together. The member of a community has rights and responsibility.
There are five elements of community.
1) Shared Vision (Set of goals)
2) Mutual support
3) Members rights from the community
4) Members have responsibilities to the community.
5) Memberships are voluntary.
I belong to the Chinatown Community. It locals at lower Manhattan, it is beside Little Italy and Lower East Side. Most of the members of this community speak different types of Chinese; no matter it is Mandarin, Cantonese, or Fujianese. Part of the members comes from China; part of the members was born in United States. In this community, most of the people work in restaurants and gift shops. The foods and the products are different from the American’s, so they attract Americans and even people from foreign countries come to China Town to buy these Chinese foods and goods. In this community, people usually help each other a lot, because all the members know that it is not easy to live in a foreign country alone, if each member has ability to help the people have problems, it will make others have better lives.